It's award time again. Debbie sent me this one. Thanks Debbie! It was in Italian so she didn't know the part about naming 7 things.
1. Family, that goes without saying.
2. My cats. They are part of the family.
3. Our home, sweet home.
4. Tucson. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else......Well maybe London.
5. Making minis.
6. Other arts and crafts.
7. All of my net friends.
Now for 7 people to receive the award....
1. Katie at Katie's Clay Corner.http://katiesclaycorner.blogspot.com/
2. George at George the Miniguy. http://tallminiguy.blogspot.com/
3. Marlie at Marlies and Minishttp://marliesminies.blogspot.com/
4. Grace at Treefeathers http://blog.treefeathers.com/
5. Tracy at Custom Styled Dollhouse Kits
6. Sabhina At Sabs Mini I nteriors http://sabsminiinteriors.blogspot.com/
7. Mary at Sunny Sunflower Miniatures. http://sunflowerminis.blogspot.com/
Congrats to all. Do go visit them.
Wow,thank you so much Casey for the award,I wil put it on my blog and with 7 things I love and 7 blogers I pass this award to!
Thank you ,and I like your way how you tel the storry on your blog of the beautiful house you are making,with the kind lady who is living there!
Thank you so much for the award Casey,I will put it on my blog and name 7 things I love and 7 blogs I pass this award to!
I love your blog and the way how you write the storry about the beautifull house you are making.
And the nice lady who is gona live in this house!
Thanks Casey! :)
This isn't steampunk, but it's so outlandish it made me thing of steampunk; check out the crazy horned helmet photo (with eyeglasses!) in this article about Henry VIII's suits of armor:
- Grace
Grace, Maybe he was Steampunk and a time traveler. Do you suppose he was a friend to H. G. Wells? LOL
Dear Casey: Thank you so much for the award! I'm honored that you like my little blog (it'll grow, I promise, when I obtain all my building equipment and supplies).
Thanks for the award Casey!! It means a lot coming from you!!!
So, when we going to London???? LOL
Thanks so much for the Award!!! I just up dated my blog! ~ Tracy
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