Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Lot of This and That.

This morning I cleaned up the new typesetter's drawer. I took off the awful "antiqued" handle and the ugly 80s brass corners that had been added to it. I refreshed it with "Liquid Gold". That stuff does wonders for dried out wood.

I hung it on the wall and started filling it. One thing at a time. I decided that was going to take me forever. This is as far as I got.

I then went into the workroom(string tied to big toe) and found a couple of accessory boxes labeled "To Be Sorted". That's how I label boxes that I put stuff in when I am to lazy to continue sorting. I throw stuff in there with good intentions of putting everything where it belongs later.......I can't put this stuff away until I have actual drawers, boxes or shelves where they should go. Well, I think it's a good excuse for not doing it.

Anyway, this is the junque that I pulled out for the Clockwork Cottage. Yes, I know some of it looks like plain old junk,
I got as far as making a watch fob for Zar's vest pocket. Then I got distracted by all of the pretties. The chess pieces will make table bases. The gold shield is a piece that April brought back from Moscow one of the times that she went there. It is very industrial and Steampunky. The iron planter that you see in the back is one that started falling apart as soon as I got it home from a miniature show. It is rusty and old looking. I am thinking that the legs would do well under a table.

OK, so it's just bits and pieces. It won't be when I finish. Balthazar wandered in and took a look and he definitely liked what he saw. I forgot to tell you, I took apart a wrist watch. Lots of tiny cogs and wheels. That made his day.

As he was inspecting the goods piece by piece, guess who showed up? Yup. Zar made a big mistake leaving home. Tessie found him. She is picking out the pieces that she would like him to rework for her cottage. She likes the standing candelabra I just hope he can get home fast. I am not sure if the hex will hold if he's not inside....... I have to go referee now.

See you tomorrow.


  1. I don't see Junk Casey, only lots of little treasures..

  2. Look at all that fun!!! LOL....

    Hey, I just noticed something~ How come Ms. Tessie has no shoes??? Casey! You gotta hook up our favorite witch!! Maybe if she had something special for herself, she'd stop rummaging through Zar's stuff!

  3. Debbie, that's why I spelled it Junque.....That's pretty junk with a purpose.

    Katie, Tessie takes after me. She hates shoes. I never wear them unless I absolutely have to. She would rather have the sparkly candle tree.

  4. I don't think Tessie will ever stop rummaging. She likes it too much.

    And if I lived back in the southwest where I belong I would go barefoot too! ;-)

  5. Oh My Casey...where do you ever find all those wonderful little goodies!! Such Treasures...!!
    I love your type setter drawer...I could not live without mine..the perfect place for all the little things in life...

    Have a Wickedly Wonderful Wednesday


  6. Love your blog and your stories of Tessie and Balthazar/Steampunk Man always makes me laugh!

  7. It is like Aladin's treasure. I'm sure I could find lots of useful, fnny, beautiful things. Tessie is right about the candle trre: it's a beauty.

  8. That is just a small portion of my stash of things that might be useful......Why do you think I can't keep my workroom straight? LOL
