Monday, February 9, 2009

More Roofing.....

Tessie went wandering off somewhere so I decided that this would be a good time to paint the roof of the cottage. The first step was a base coat of Ceramcoat Charcoal. In places I had to water it down just a little to get it into the cracks. While it was still wet I brushed in some Ceramcoat burnt sienna here and there and blended it into the gray. It didn't show up too well in this photo, but it does make a difference. This photo looks way lighter than the original.

I used a very stiff, very cheap brush. That way, when I finish I can just toss it if it's ruined. If it lives to paint another day, so much the better.

After the base coat dried I mixed some white into the charcoal to make a lighter shade of gray. The panel on the right is the before. The panel on the left is the after. I used the same brush to dry brush the lighter color onto the edges of the shingles. The easiest way to do this is to start from the bottom and work up. If you brush upwards as light as you can it only catches on the edges of the shingles. Don't be afraid of it. It's only paint and you can always paint it out and start over. As you can see, now the edges of the shingles show up more.

The third photo shows the whole front of the cottage. Now you can see the shingles! I am going to tone them down a bit with various colors of Prismacolor pencils after this step is good and dry. Then I will start putting the trim on the ridges and edges of the eaves.

OK. I know that you are wondering where Tessie has been through all of this........I found her in the archeologist's office talking to a snake. Then I noticed that she was trying to sneak the tray with the pitcher of martinis under her apron. She is getting quite good at lifting things that she likes when no one is looking. She is incorrigible! She also has her eye on the "Pretty Gold Man Box", as she calls the sarcophagus on the bottom. I don't think that she can sneak that one out. I can see that I am going to have to take inventory when this is over. Then I am going to have to search the cottage for everything that is missing!

No word on the real roof yet. I am just going to work on the roof of the cottage and see if it fixes the real one by magic.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Tessie's Roof looks fantastic. The dry brushing certainly gives it a worn effect.
    Glad real roof is still holding up.

  2. It seems as if it has always been there, so very good. Tessie will be pleased. Is water still running inside? hope not. Mini hugs

  3. Casey you're just a tiny bit mad but i like it.
    Anyway, thank you for the printies email the other day, which is a great little find of yours.
    The roof is looking fab, and how about mossing it up a little when you've done all the paint jobs.
    I mossed up the roof for my witches shop and if you go back to my older posts you can find pics for ideas.
    I like moss lots... lol
    Before i mossed it up i dry brushed with some green paints too.
    I used the moss cover that the daft wargamers use. Why ever would you want to act out battles as a warhammer fan is beyond me.
    Anyway, back to miniatures in a larger scale i think you need moss now... lol
    I also like your tales.
    I reckon Tessie needs to have a baking day and you can do the fuss she creates such as broken eggs and flour everywhere, and the butter she keep licking until she is sick... lol
    Now that would be a good one and ever so funny.
    Nikki x

  4. Nikki, I am more than a tiny bit mad....I have to tell you that there will be no moss on the cottage. Tessie lives in Arizona. Moss doesn't grow here. Too hot.....Although this morning there is 1 to 2" of snow on the ground. As for what Tessie does, I don't control it. She does what she wants, when she wants. I just report on her quirks. Who knows what she will do next? She may get it into her head to go out and play in the snow!
