Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Late Wednesday.....

I had the mini witch's meeting here today. What with preparing before and cleaning up after, I am late. A good time was had by all.

My friend Pat finished this beautiful Chinese rug a couple of weeks ago. She left it with me to be completed. She does all of the fancy stitching and I get to do the fun part. I stretch it back into a rectangle and dress the edge so that it will lie flat.

I thought that you might like to see the method that I use.

With a piece this small, I start by pressing it from the back with steam. It doesn't really need to be pinned in place unless it is really warped. I use a clean kitchen towel as a pressing cloth. It may take several steaming sessions and letting it dry between each.

When it is square I run a bead of white glue around the edge of the back, making sure that it completely covers the last row of needlepoint and the first row of blank canvas outside. I smear it with my finger to make it lay flat. I used Aileen's Fast Grab. Let it dry. Then I cut between the last line of needlepoint and the blank canvas.

This will leave a raw line of canvas thread ends that are white and quite noticeable. I grabbed a Navy Blue Sharpie fine point. These pens are very permanent. I colored all of the ends with this to match the thread.

When I was finished I gave it one final pressing to make sure it was square and flat.

This method of finishing makes for a thinner, more in scale rug than it does when you turn the edges under.

If you are interested in mini needlepoint and embroidery here are a couple of sites where you will have fun wandering around. Janet Granger is in England. She sells kits and writes books for mini needlepoint rugs. Bobbie Schoonmaker is in the US and has lots of neat kits.

This should keep you occupied a while. I am going to go see how much cherry pie is left.

See you tomorrow.

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