Thursday, February 12, 2009


The roof is finished! I did the trim this morning whilst watching some weird Canadian horror film.....No. The Canadians weren't weird. The movie was. Some guy was supposedly stalking this guy and trying to kill him....It turned out that he was stalking himself..... I won't tell you the title or the actor's names. That would spoil the fun if you ever decide to watch it.

Anyway, as I said, I am finished. It was actually an excuse for not going into the wilderness that is my workroom. I just couldn't face it. Maybe that will give you some idea about how bad the workroom is right now. I chose roofing over cleaning. And there is nothing in dollhouse building that I hate more than roofing!

After that I decided to finish the stonework around the base and the front step. I was on a roll and building momentum as I went.

I got all of the DAS stones in place on the base. It was really only one line of stones with a few broken up here and there, so it didn't take too long. I will have to let it dry until tomorrow. Then I will do the washes that it needs.

I knew the peace and quiet couldn't last. Mookie, the cat, has a habit of getting in where he doesn't belong by jumping up and pulling down on the lever type door handles that we have all over the house. If the door opens away from him, he can get in. No problem. He didn't like the fact that the door to the workroom was closed. I forgot to lock it when I made a trip in for some supplies. He opened it. I will give you three guesses as to who got out. The first two don't count......

I was working in the family room in my usual place when I heard noises that sounded like Mookie getting into things in the workroom. I thought nothing of it. That's his usual behavior. I turned back to my finished work.

There was Tessie. She was standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. She looked out at the newly made doorstep and then yelled. "Where's my door?!?!? I WANT MY DOOR!!!!!" Never mind that I finished a nice roof and laid a foundation.

I wonder how long it is going to take me to get her back in the workroom with Larry and lock the door again. I guess that I should go round her up. It will be kicking and screaming all the way. Wish me luck and find me some iodine and bandages.

See you tomorrow!


  1. How I like it! I want to do something of the sort but you are so special at colouring and roofing and decorating and....
    I must learn a lot

  2. The Roof looks lovely Casey, really nice job and I really like the roof trim.
    Next Job is the Door or your get no rest from Tessie. LOL

  3. It's beautiful, Casey. I love the color washes on the stucco and the roof is amazing. I'm with Tessie, though, 'cause I can't wait to see it with the door. :-)

  4. Ya know for someone who hates doing roofs, You sure are good at it! Speaking of kitties...mine is in the bathroom waiting for me to come back in there to throw his toy over the shower curtain, so he can dive into the tub and retrieve it....he's been waiting a long time! LOL....... I'm tired of playing catch!! Hahahaha......

  5. the house is lovely!
    I can imagine that you are impatient for the door!
    I am still dreaming of my next house because I still have to move and it would be not very smart to start it right now!

    And your is not yet finished and you're already dreaming of the next one. ;)
