Monday, February 23, 2009

I Have a New Award!

I went shopping this morning and when I got back Little Rabbit Miniatures had sent me a new award!

I assume that I am supposed to do the same thing that she did upon receiving it. Rules are simple: list 5 of addictions and list 5 bloggers who I think are fabulous.

BTW, I look nothing like the lady in the award and I have cats.....

OK. Five addictions. 1. Miniatures. 2. Blogs. 3. Chocolate. 4. More chocolate. 5 Anything that strikes my fancy at any given moment. Right now it's Steampunk.

Now for five blogs.....It is really hard to choose. I think that I will just close my eyes and draw names from a hat.

1. Tiffany at Mini Mischief

2. Debbie at Tiny Treasures

3. Nikki at Witch and Wizard Miniatures

4. Katie at Katie's Clay Corner

5. Gina at More Minis @ Blogspot