Saturday, February 21, 2009

Another Friend!

Jean Day of Jean Day Miniatures just signed on as a follower. I almost feel like I know this one. Hers is one of the websites that I have visited many times over the years. She has lots of wonderful minis for sale and some wonderful printables too. Be sure to go over to her regular website as well as the blog.

Come on in and Welcome, Jean! Glad to have you here.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely welcome, thank you so much, that is so kind of you!!! I have really been enjoying your blog and that is so interesting in your profile, that you worked with such old dollhouses, how wonderful! I haven't even seen a dollhouse from the 1700's. Must have been exciting taking off the layers. I don't even think our city goes back to the 1700's. Thanks again, Cheers, Jean
