Friday, February 27, 2009

And the Winner Is......

When I got up this morning, the first thing I did was check the mail to make sure that no more entries had come in before midnight. Nope. Then I pulled up the file labeled contest and started making little slips of paper with every one's name on them. Mind you, it was about 5:30 AM here. Luckily, my husband was getting ready to go play golf, so he pulled out the winner.

I put all of the little slips in a bowl. The odds were 17 to 1. I didn't get a lot of entries for all of the traffic that I get through here every day. Did I mention that I hit the 50,000 mark yesterday? Oh well. Better for the people that entered.

I know. Shut up and tell us who won! OK. It was Carolyn Petry. I don't know a lot about her. She has to be a wonderful person.....She said in her entry that she actually sat down and read my blog from the beginning, drinking lots of coffee( probably to keep her awake).

Anyway Carolyn, please contact me as soon as possible so that I can find out what fabric you would like for the cushions and I will need your snail mail addy. Don't wait too long or I will have to choose a second runner up! And if that person doesn't contact me, I will have to choose a third runner up, and so forth and so on......I have 16 more slips of paper in the bowl! Just kidding.

Now I'm the one waiting for something to happen.


  1. Oh how wonderful. Lucky Carolyn.
    Your chair is beautiful and ever so kind of you to put up for winning on your blog.
    I didn't enter because it was too good for what will become my dirty witches room. I dont like to enter if its not right for me even when its beautiful, because i feel it should go to the right home.
    Waiting is a terrible thing to have to do. Can't stand to wait myself.

  2. OH MY!!! My head is still reeling! I can't believe it! I am one happy mini camper let me tell ya! THank you so much Casey...or I should say Casey's husband! I already know exactly what I'll do with this beauty. And I'll send pictures when I get it done up!
    And coffee drinking time is my special time. My days are not quiet but my morning coffee time is my keeping sane in this crazy world time....And I spent it reading your blog because I was totally a wonderful book that you can't put down until you get to the end. And then you're so disappointed because you've reached the end and you just wanted it to go on and on! Now I have to wait each day for another page! LOL! Thank you so much Casey....for the wonderfully interesting blog that keeps me waiting for more and for this wonderful prize miniature work of art that I will treasure forever!

  3. "Congratulations" to Carolyn.
    Thanks for running the competition Casey.. Mini Hugs

  4. Carolyn, You can stop jumping up and down now!LOL Congrats!

  5. Ok I'm sit still and get back to the big world now! Jeez! Ha!

  6. Conrats Carolyn!!! :)

    ...see Casey! I'm not the only one who thinks you have an amazing blog!! Congrats on hitting your 50,000 mark!!! (Where would one find that number??)

  7. Congratulations, Carolyn! :)

    And thank you, Casey, for the opportunity! :-D

    I may be inspired to put together a contest of my own someday.
