Saturday, January 5, 2019

I Did Minis This Morning!

I had both Tessie and Zar yelling at me this morning.  They both wanted work done. So....

I decided to work on their He Shed and She Shed at the same time. 

I painted the inside of each of them. No. I didn't have a paintbrush in each fist.  I did Zar's first because he yells the loudest.

Then I did Tessie's.  They both need a second coat.  I will do that as soon as I finish here.

I did have to show you a couple of things for the garden while I am on here. 

This is my adopted baby saguaro.  Yes.  It is legal!  There is a place here in town that digs them up when builders are doing new developments. They then put them out for adoption.  The kids got him for me for Christmas... Unfortunately that's when the cold spell started.  It is now over so I will probably plant it today or tomorrow.

The other garden thing is... My baby kumquat tree made it through that cold spell with a little bit of help from a big box, a table cloth and a big piece of plastic.  I may have kumquats yet!!!
Wish me luck! I am looking forward to that. They are really tasty.

OK.  Now I am going back and see if I can remember how to install curtains in Tessie's She Shed.  She is not happy.  Zar's has lights and hers doesn't.  Oh well.  At least she is getting one. Maybe I will see if I can hunt up a battery operated one for hers.

Back to work.  See you tomorrow.


  1. Nice to see you back to the He/She sheds again Casey.

  2. ¡Qué tengas suerte con las plantas de tu jardín y con la pintura de los alojamientos de esa pareja!
