Saturday, September 1, 2018


Tessie tried to hide the small patch that I didn't finish on this side of the trailer today. I wouldn't let her. 

I ran out of glue and rather than pour out new glue and let it rot, I chose to do the small patch later.

She was not happy that I didn't finish the whole side.  Oh well. I will get it done tomorrow and probably most of the rest of the bottom story of the trailer.

This one is going up! this is the floor for the second story. It will wrap around the entrance  tower. This is the underside of the floor. 

I will flip it over and it will go around the right side of the tower.  This could take a while. 

As I said before. It is more fun to experiment than to build the trailer as it comes out of the kit.
I got all of the theater trays cut up.  Now I am ready to work on the walls I have enough for this trailer and maybe a few more buildings besides.

Tessie is standing in one of four sacks of pieces that I have under the table now.

I told you that moving the table was a good thing.  Now I can hide all kinds of things under there and nobody will know... Just me and Tessie.

I am taking the rest of the afternoon off.  Walter and I are watching a couple of series on TV in the afternoons. Back to the TV. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Casey,
    You certainly do work fast. I cannot wait to see the trailer all put together.
    Big hug
