Saturday, September 15, 2018

Getting Stoned...

Well, not really.  Not the way you think!

I went back to adding stones to the outside of the trailer this morning.

It is a slow process.  One stone cut at a time and then trimmed to fit beside the next couple of stones.

I have news.  Letty has given notice.  She is going back to her crooked cottage and wants clothes to match... She is going to have to wear what she has on for now.

 Tessie told her on no uncertain terms, that she was not to ever change bodies with me if she didn't want to die!  

With that, both Letty and I decided that we were not ever going to switch.  Not safe to do so...

I am just going to plug along with my work on the trailer and Letty is going back to embroidery for a living.

I have to change saw blades before I can do the stairs. So, I figured that doing rock work would keep me busy for quite some time.
With Tessie back to her usual contrary self, I am going to keep working.

Zar is back since Letty left.  They didn't seem to get along too well.

At least, with Zar around, Tessie seems to stay calm and collected most of the time...

She has been amusing herself by sliding down the back end of the trailer, over and over.

She ended up in a heap on the floor a couple of times. Then she just zaps herself back to the starting position on the roof.

Zar talked her into just sitting and watching the building process. I think that things are kind of getting back to normal.  The two of them have had their heads together all afternoon...

The last I saw of them, they slid off of the end of the trailer and informed me that they were going to look for Spike. 

If the three of them get their heads together, I will be right back where I started before I started the trailer...

I do believe that I am in trouble again!  See you tomorrow.

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