Thursday, August 30, 2018

Only Six to Go...

The pile that you see here is the stuff that I cut up yesterday and today. I still have to sort it. I just threw it on a pile as I cut the trays up.
I have six left to do. I had twenty some to start with. I didn't count.  I think that there were close to thirty. 

The ones that you see in this photo were cut before.  It's the pile that I was using yesterday and the day  before. And yes, those are still to be used.

As soon as I get done typing this, I am going back to start working on more walls.

This could take forever...

Remember the help that I had yesterday?
This morning it kind of went away. I made the mistake of telling Tessie that I was going to be cutting up more trays this morning...

She responded with..."I can't handle those big scissors. I may as well sleep in tomorrow..."

And she did.  It in now after 1:00 PM. She is still snoring. I haven't even tried to wake her up.  She would be of no help whatsoever! She would just nag me to do the stuff that she can help me with.

I am going to wait until I get the rest of the trays cut up. Then she is going to be out of bed so fast that it will make her head spin!

And she is going to be helping! I may be standing over her with a whip and a chair, but she WILL be helping.  This is her trailer castle! Not mine!

I am off to wake her up now.  She can start sorting the trays that I have cut into separate piles.

Back to work! See you tomorrow.


  1. Pssst... (are we not mentioning that there was no post on Wednesday? Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me!)

  2. Hello Casey,
    I hope you enjoyed the quiet time while she slept.
    Thank you for answering my question about bricks. I really appreciate it.
    Big hug!
