Monday, July 9, 2018

Keeping It Clean!

Continuing the cleaning... Granted this didn't take much cleaning. I did it this morning before we went to an early movie.  We went to see Ant Man and the Wasp. Not a nominee for the Academy Awards, but a lot of fun if you like a movie where the shrink whole buildings and carry them around and hide them...

Anyway, this corner of the bathroom is now clean.  It is at one end of the tub and I have a Mesquite branch on the wall to hang necklaces on. I have had that on the wall for several years and now April is wanting to copy it.

The other two pieces with jewelry hanging from them are a rack from China.  I am not sure what the original use was, but it holds a LOT of bracelets.  The other one in the front is a large wrought iron candlestick that I found at Walmart years ago.  They were going in for all kinds of decorative items at that time.  I think that I paid about three dollars for it.  Again, it holds a LOT of jewelry.
I got the Rusty Needle cleaned out.  It is pretty easy. The whole thing is closed, so not a lot of dust gets in. 

I wish all of my minis were like that...

I wanted you to see the workroom!  I am doing what I said I would.  It is kept clean and straightened daily!

I can't believe that it has been clean for at least three weeks now!

I am really making an effort to keep it that way.

I don't let Tessie in there without supervision.

It's working!!! See you tomorrow.

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