Monday, June 9, 2014

Unanswered Questions...

As you know, I cleaned out the wallpaper stack, yesterday morning...  I found this.  I printed off of the net.  I like it, but I didn't notice how it almost looks like the tiles are bowed in the middle... To use or not to use?  That is the question...

By the way, the floor is back to being clean.  Laundry basket only...
This morning is full of questions.  And not much time to answer them. 

We are going to see the first showing of the new X men movie this morning.  It starts at 10:05. 

The next question is about the new lampshade.  I didn't notice until it had a light behind it.  It has a line down the shade wherever they put in a new piece of cork cover...  It bothers me.  I am going to have to figure out some way to cover it.  I like it other than that flaw and don't want to take it back.

Last question... I got some bronze nail headed upholstery tacks yesterday.  There will be more than this on each arm of the chair.  I like them.  The bigger problem is what to do about the arms.  They are kind of gray from about 5 years of use.  I either have to take a scrub brush to them or reupholster...  I think that the scrub brush is the lesser of the two evils... If it works...

I guess I could always crochet antimacassars for the arms and back... The Victorians liked those.  They were invented to combat the awful Macassar's Hair Oil. They worked to a point.  I always wondered if the oil went through all of the little holes in the crochet and left a pattern anyway.

I remember my grandmother and aunt were still using antimacassars when I was a little kid.  They both lived on farms.  I imagine that they were trying to combat all kinds of dirt that was drug in by the men.  Who knows?  That was after the city folks had stopped using them years before.

Anyway, I have to go get ready to watch the world being saved, yet again, by the X men...

See you tomorrow.


  1. Casey I liked it and I didn't think I would but this xman is pretty good.... as for your arm chairs steam clean them with the carpet shampooer works really well on furniture ,

    one of Rich's friends dropped pizza on a cushion then turned it cant really tell that it happened and that friend has disappeared but I had nothing to do with that :)

  2. Steam-cleaning is MAGIC.

    If that doesn't fully work, the next step is to find or assemble cloth placemats that coordinate with your pillows and hide whatever stain is left. You can sew your own arm covers, too, if you feel ambitious about fitting curves.

    I like the floor paper, but whether Tessie will is another question.

  3. I saw some bronze-coloured lace at the haberdashers once. That might look steampunky enough if you glue it over the cork joins on the lamp.

  4. Lene, I don't think that lace would show up well on the shade. It almost looks like brown lace itself. Lots of tiny holes. I am thinking maybe som black ribbon or trim to coordinate with the lamp base. I think that it will have to be something solid.
