Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Last Day.....

First of all, I forgot to show you what I did with Tessie's Townhouse and the craft Cottage. We did that last week...

What was all the fuss about moving the townhouse 10 feet?  Well it took both of us to do it!  I can maneuver it around, once it is in place.  It's just getting it there that is the problem.  I much prefer the little craft cottage that I can move all by myself.
Next a report on the new chair.  Tessie approves so far...The biggest difference is yet to come.  Then we will see how she feels...
Now.  About the workroom... Oh! Look!  A floor!  I still have some of the drawers to do, but the first two on the left are all done.
I didn't take a full on photo of the area across from the desk.  I put the hanging racks are back.  I didn't like the shelf there.  It was boring. And it wouldn't store much.

I also moved the saw back to that location.  There just wasn't enough room back in the corner and I couldn't get to half of the book shelves.  Now I have room to move on that side of the room... And room to saw.
Look what I found this morning.  Half a chair, with book pocket.  This is #30 thread and takes a bit longer to do than the 20...I have a feeling that my inner six year old was involved in the half that isn't done.  Distracted...
Confession time... I am back to the Laundry basket method of cleaning.... If what's left fits in the laundry basket, I can go through it at my leisure.  I know.... I have said that many times before.

But today is the last day of Walter's golf trip.  He will be home tonight. So my goal is to finish all the way this time!  I am determined... 

I have to go  back to the workroom and lock myself inside now.

That basket on top has all of the stuff for my woven baskets inside... For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to dump everything in there to sort it out... Oh well.  At least that part won't take long to do...

See you tomorrow, hopefully with an empty laundry basket.


  1. Hi Casey. After looking at your Work Room, I know why I don't have my Craft Room organized. I don't have enough plastic boxes! Of course I also don't have enough shelves to store them on. I need to put up more shelves.
    Your Work Room is looking good!

  2. Casey your room no matter what shape is envy for crafters everywhere. I adore ur wicker and hoping one day i can convince you to do some for my Beatles room ŵorking on. I'd b so proud to have one of your wicker items in there...
    Can't wait to see the rest

  3. I feel so sorry for you, Casey, when I look at that laundry basket full of this and that. I am going around in circles here trying to tidy up stuff but my problem is that there is no space. I'm getting rid of all my Christmas decorations, that should help. I'll buy a wee tree and that will be okay for me.

  4. Lucille, that's exactly what I am trying to do. I need more room or less stuff.... Or maybe a little of both!

  5. Good luck Casey, and your chair looks wonderful. I must clean my craft room too, I don't have nearly as much space as you. I think my room must have been intended for a midget, or baby.:\

  6. I had to laugh at your wash basket comment. I've been trying to get my daughter to tidy her room unsuccessfully. Finally last night I said to her she couldn't stay at her friend's on Friday night unless she had tidied her room. It worked. She worked so hard to get her room tidy but as it was nearing bed time last night I could see she wasn't quite going to make it. I told her if she could fit the rest of what was on her floor in a wash basket she could leave the rest of it for the weekend. End result - I have just dropped her off at her friends to stay the night and we are both happy.

  7. me encanta ese taller, se ve muy bien , a veces cuando ordenamos nos sorprende alguna cosa a medias , bueno ahora tendras que terminar esa otra silla encontrada



  8. Im with Phyllisa, the reason my room isn't cleaned is:

    1. I have a studio now and I haven't been able to move into it

    2. I dont have enough plastic boxes and shelves...also see number #1

    denial aint just a river ya know


  9. Hello Casey,
    Keep at it, everything is looking great. it amazes me that you can clean and work on the chairs.
    Big hug,
