Thursday, June 12, 2014

Taking Stock....

I couldn't resist putting this photo in for you.  This was taken from the back porch last night.  This is one of the reasons we live in Arizona.  Sunsets are outstanding here. It was much prettier in person.
I took everything out of Daisy's Cottage this morning.  I then put in the pieces that are going in, so far...

I faked the bathtub to see how it would look and fit.  It will work.  Zar immediately had to try it on for size.  I think that Spike thought him a bit peculiar for sitting in a curved piece of cardboard on the floor.

I used a large crochet tube.  Cut down and pulled open to represent the tub.

The bedroom is coming along nicely.  I think that I have the floor picked out....I just don't know where I put it... I have to stop letting Tessie help clean up...

For those of you that are following the glue story, the shell is still holding fast.  I moved it and it stuck wherever I put it.  Pulled up easily and repositioned easily too. But it didn't come loose.
When I put the other part of the crochet thread tube on the floor of the dining part of the living room, to represent a low, oval table that will have floor cushions instead of chairs, Zar immediately climbed into it, saying, "Doesn't it seem a bit peculiar to put a bathtub in the middle of the living room?". 

OK...Admittedly, I was a bit slow, finding a top for it, but really?  He has bathtubs on the brain.

This room is still up in the air... I am now thinking that patterned white draperies would look good in the bay...  Just thinking.

The first thing I am going to have to do in the living room is mop the floor.  It looks terrible just now.

I need to stop messing with Steampunk and get back to the house.

We had Amare and April here all morning, so not much got done mini wise...Or Steampunk wise.  We were having too much fun.  Now that they left, maybe I will at least work on the rugs for a bit.  Or maybe I should just take a nap.  I am tired, just from watching two and a half year old Amare run, licketysplit, here to there and back again.  Way too much energy for one tiny individual!  Yup.  The nap is sounding good, about now...

See you tomorrow.


  1. Hi Casey. I'm first on here again.
    I've been wondering what you were up to so far today. I was secretly hoping you were out shopping and bringing back some interesting goodies to show us, so we could get them too. It's been quite some time since I have discovered some minis while out shopping.
    I'm loving the cottage so far! When does Daisy get home?

  2. esa puesta de sol es impresionante , gracias por compartirla ,
    me gusta la idea de la bañera curva ,seguro que quedara muy bien , es duo terrible no es nada paciente ,
    me alegro mucho de que disfrutes de Amare, a esa edad son incansables y fantasticos



  3. Hello Casey,
    the cottage looks like it will be fantastic. Excellent work! I'm glad you had fun with the little ones.

    Big hug,

  4. Hello from Spain: nice photo of the sunset. Great minis. Keep in touch
