Saturday, June 21, 2014

Not Half Bad... Not Half Good...

OK.  This is what happens when there is more cool air inside than there is outside.  This little ring necked lizard lives in our yard with a couple of other ones.  They are fun to have around and they keep the bug population down.

This is the first time I have seen him do this, but I imagine that he does it when I am not looking quite a bit.

With the swamp cooler on, there is a steady stream of cool air coming out of the window.  I think he was thoroughly enjoying it, yesterday.

It was hard to get a photo, but I didn't want to go outside to do it.  He would be gone in a flash.
 Half bad and half almost good...  I got two of the stacks of drawers painted black this morning...Two to go...

I just turned on a True Blood marathon and went to work.  I got those done in a couple of episodes.

I have to take all of the drawers out and move them to paint.  I decided to do it by hand.

I am happy with the results so far.  The black really makes the drawers show up a lot better.

I am going to have to label all of them.  I am not sure if any of them are where they were before.

Now, the faucet.  There has been a change of plan.  Before, I had the handles on the front.  I decided that I didn't like them there, so I moved them to the top.

Next step is to do some sanding and adding detail.  I think that they are going to be antique copper, with white porcelain handles.

May I please be excused now?  I need to get back to covering my arms, up to the elbow, with black paint...

See you tomorrow.


  1. You're so brave! I would freak out if I saw one of those! I can't help it, Casey! It's must be the sort of DNA I have. The drawers do look much better black. Isn't that plastic? What sort of paint are you using?

  2. Cute little lizard - what a cheeky fella sitting up there! :)

  3. Hi Lucille! It's plain old Ceramcoat black. That's what I had in the workroom. If it weren't so hot outside I would use Krylon Fusion in satin finish. That's what I used on the lamp. That works best on plastic.
