Monday, June 23, 2014

No!!! Don't Turn Around!!!!

 I thought I was finished with drawers... Another Oops!  I finished painting the other two stacks of drawer frames this morning and then I looked to my right...  Never look to the right if you think you are already finished with a task... I should have thrown salt over my shoulder instead...

To my horror, this is what I saw!  I never even stopped to think that there might be other drawers outside the closet.

I am in sooooo much trouble. 

The drawers looked pretty good...The ones in the closet anyway...

I grabbed the paintbrush and proceeded to paint the six drawers that were still white. I immediately moved them into the closet to join their friends.

The poor things need the fronts of their drawers dress, but at least I got them painted.  I used every drop of black Ceramcoat that I had and it was a big bottle!

I can live with the gray ones under the six in the first photo for a while.  At least until I get some more paint.

I may just have to move them to the left and put the last of the drawers in there.

Did I mention that I had to move other things to get to the drawers and still other things to get them back in place?  I did...

I was so close to finishing...And It was looking so good...Oh well... There is still hope. 

Hope is that little pink cloud that is floating somewhere in the vicinity of the ceiling fan at this point... And threatening to fly out the AC vent at any moment.

I am going to go back in with the usual string tied to my foot.  I have Tessie and Zar sitting in the drawers.  That's the only clean area in the room.  They will rescue me if I can't find my way to safety...

They seem to think that this is all very entertaining.  They can laugh.  All they have to do is sit and hold the other end of the string.

I promised them cookies when I get out.  They are urging me to drop everything where it is and leave. 

I may just take them up on that and go make curtains or even windows(which I loathe) for Daisy's Cottage... Anything's better than this!

"Tessie!!! Come get me out of here!!! NOW!!!

See you tomorrow.


  1. I need to have you come and organize my studio!

  2. Looks like you have a full day ahead of you! I looked for Tessie and Zar but I could not see them!

  3. Lucille, she is in the second drawer from the left, second one down...

    Troy...Dream on!!!LOL I have a never ending job right here!
