Sunday, May 18, 2014

Locking Me in My Workroom, With Sixteen Candles...

Look how nice my workroom looks...

OK. You caught me.  I wish my workroom looked like this!

The Terrible Two won't let me near this one.  Notice the nice little axe that  that Tessie has at hand.  She actually had the nerve to threaten cutting off my finger tips if I so much as reached a hand in there!  I know she wouldn't really do it, but it's kind of scary anyway.

At least one workroom is clean...
 I only got a few things put away before April and Amare showed up yesterday.  Seth was off to New Mexico for a field trip to a mine.

Anyway.  This is how it looks now.  I know.  Not much better than yesterday...

The Terrible Two plus Spike are now sitting on the edge of the desk, hissing at me every time I stop cleaning. And they threatened to do something drastic if I didn't keep their area of the desk clean too.

It seems that the mess is interfering with their TV viewing.
Thus the lock down.  They turned on Molly Ringwald in "Sixteen Candles".  They left Spike stand guard on the right hand corner of the desk.  Then they left and locked the door behind them.

I suspect that they are now in the bedroom watching the fourth season of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and relaxing... Unfair!

I guess I am going to have to get down to it and get to work on this pile...Sorry about the lack of minis.  I couldn't find any in this mess.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Hi Casey. A thought to remember:
    If you didn't have a messy workroom,
    you would not complete any projects.
    It is part of the work process.

  2. Thanks for making me feel "normal!"

  3. Good luck with sorting through! Looks like poor Spike is the only one on guard duty!

  4. I agree with the Grandmommy, I feel normal now too if you saw my workroom you'd put me on an episode of Horders
