Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A great Gift!

No Witches tomorrow, so Joan and I played with beads today instead. That means I will be able to work on Daisy's Cottage tomorrow.

I know.  I am supposed to be working on Daisy's Cottage today. 

So... I backslid a bit... At least I got something done... Even if it was wrong...
Now, about the gift.  Joan and I were in the back yard looking at plants when Walter got home.

He played golf and after that, went to his friend Mike's house.

He had a problem with his golf cart and Mike volunteered to help...

Walter yelled out the back door for me to come in and see the present that he brought me...

To my surprise, this was sitting on the counter.

About 30 years ago, I bought a Dremel scroll saw from Mike's wife.  She decided she didn't need it anymore. 

Mike had this 4" Dremel Table Saw sitting in his workshop.  He gave it to Walter to give to me.

Thank you, Mike!!!  I will use it well.

Walter said I could have it, with one condition.  I am not to cut any of my fingers off...

No guarantees.  There isn't a blade guard with it.  I am going to have to see if Micro Mark or someone else has that as a spare part. 

I definitely would feel safer using it with a guard.  I am pretty careful with power tools, but you never know...

Meanwhile, I am also going to have to check under the back of the saw when I use it.

I heard the Terrible Two making plans to sit up camp under there.  The plan, as I understand it, is to use all of the pieces of wood that I mess up, to start bonfires and roast marshmallows.  Safety First!!!

I am off to shoo the gremlins away from the saw now.

See you tomorrow.


  1. You're pretty brave if you use that saw!

  2. que buen regalo , seguro que le sacaras mucho provecho , esos dos no traman nada bueno , seguro , espero que estes alerta



  3. Hello Casey,
    What a lovely gift! I'm sure it will be incredibly handy! Enjoy!
    Big hug,

  4. What a great gift. I think I will need to get a small saw at some stage. Sometimes the scroll saw or knife just isn't enough.
