Monday, April 28, 2014

Bragging Rights!

I got the rest of the bedroom cleaned up yesterday while Walter was out playing golf.

We thought that April and Amare were coming over today.  That was cancelled, but I still wanted to get things back in working order, as they say.

This is what the mess around Daisy's Cottage looked like when I started...  I could barely get to the house.

After taking everything out, I got rid of all of the house parts that were no longer needed and other various and sundry items, some of which, I couldn't even figure out how they got there and what I had in mind when dragging them in...

I sorted and tossed.

I took an "after" photo, so that you would believe that I did it.
I am so proud.  This is all I have left to take back in the workroom and put away... For once, the task seems manageable.
I did do some mini-ing last night.  It is hard to tell, but I put in over an hour on the North African rug.  I did put in some color in the second border, but didn't like the shade of green and ripped it out. 

I found a lot of floss that I had misplaced around Daisy's house.  That helped. 

Now that I have a clean bedroom, I can go to work again.  Don't try to stop me!  I have to finish this house, so that I can go Steampunk!

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Casey,
    Well done! You did a terrific job cleaning up. It must be great to be able to work comfortably. I hope it lasts.
    Big hug,
