Yesterday, I took the day off to celebrate 1,000,000 served. Actually, that wasn't the real reason.
My friend Joan came over and we just generally had a good time.
I just finished spending my Amazon and Etsy gift cards from Christmas.
This book and some projects kept us busy. Who can resist a book that is filled with 500 colored photos of something that they like to do? Not me or Joan either. She is also someone that likes minis and jewelry, both.
I worked on this piece while Joan painted the tiniest train set that I have ever seen.
Needless to say, neither of us was bored.
This piece is done over a cranberry glass tube with findings on either end. Believe it or not, I bought it that way, a number of years ago at Walmart. That was back in the day when Walmart had a full service craft department.
I used Japanese Delica beads to do it.
I am now officially done with Christmas. I got this assortment, this morning, from Bella's Bead Habit on Etsy.
See the conical brass findings? That was what I initially went to her shop for. Two of them are going to become torches for the front of Daisy's porch.
It's just a good thing that I had some of my gift card left. I always get in trouble at her site. Great things and good prices.
Now....From this photo, can you see where I am going to be for the rest of the morning?
I am going to spend a couple of hours straightening and then I am going to start working on stoning the porch...Honest! I am!
Back to work.
See you tomorrow.
oh I cant wait to see the torches
The book looks wonderful. Would be lovely to flick through. I love your beaded creation. I too need to get in my craft room and have a tidy today before I can work in there.
ReplyDeleteA nice shopping trip! Looking forward to seeing the torches on the porch! Thanks for the link! I love looking at jewelry links!