Sunday, March 9, 2014

Terra Cotta, My Foot!

Their idea of terracotta is my idea of ham pink... Every one of the tiles are going to have to be painted.  As is everything else that I make out of this stuff.  I may still try to use it on the cottage.

If you do the tiles the way I did them yesterday, break them apart or cut them when they get leather hard.  I discovered that, if you leave them on the wax paper, they tend to curl if they aren't separated.  I forgot that this stuff dries from the edges into the center.  Curls aren't cute on tiles. I did get to them in time to flatten most of them.  Just a few of the edge ones were dry and curly.

Meanwhile, I finished another magazine basket.  All I had left was a bit of the handle.  I see a spot that I missed on there....It will be fixed.

Tessie crawled into this one and demanded, "Take me to the kitchen.  I need a cookie!"

I knew that it would be useful...Maybe if I make a lid for it, with a lock, it will be even more useful...
 I dug my bin of rug yarn out of the garage yesterday.  I have to use up some of this stuff or get rid of it.

Since rug yarn in nice colors is few and far between anymore, I decided to use it up.

So far, this one is about a foot across.  I am thinking that April's two cats could use a basket.

At one time, one of their cats slept in a large ceramic bowl that Seth threw in pottery class.  It doesn't seem like that would be very cozy...

Seth, April and Amare are coming over later today to finish my Christmas/Birthday present.

Seth has a large livestock tank in their back yard and grows all kinds of wonderful veggies in it.  I mentioned that I thought that I would like a smaller one. 

They got this one for me.  Today it gets filled.  I won't be growing as many veggies in this one as Seth does in his, but I am going to try. He plants in it year round here.

This seems to be a popular way of gardening right now.  I think that it is smart. Small space.  Rich soil. Equals lots of veggies.

I bought three plants for it this morning.  more will be added later...

I couldn't resist this one. I never realized that some of the heirloom tomatoes have totally different blooms on them.  This is a Pink Brandywine Tomato.  The bloom on it is going to be spectacular when it is completely open.

I do want the tomatoes, but I confess, it was the flower that sold me.

I also bought another heirloom just because I liked the story that went with it.  The tag said it was a Mortgage Lifter.  The story is that the man that bred this one, paid off his mortgage in the 1930s selling these plants. That's some tomato!  I had to have one of those!

Anyway, I am going to go try to get a bit of mini-ing done before the kids get here...Wish me luck.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Oh, so it wasn't just me that has pink coloured bricks. A while ago I made some bricks using a terracotta coloured compound but ended up with pink bricks. I was so disappointed I still haven't painted them.

  2. Oh dear, doesn`t look like ham to me and I`m sure it wouldn´t in a finished look.

  3. so how do you fix the curled edges? can you wet them and hold them down with a book?

  4. Marisa, I simply took them off of the wax paper and rolled them flat again. The only ones that cracked were a few on the edges and they are still usable as half tiles. I think that the wax paper was leeching the moisture out of the tile too fast.
