Sunday, February 23, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Break out the bubbly!  No. It's not the new year for everyone....Just for the blog.  Today starts the seventh year of not missing a single day of blogging.  I am sure that there are people that have done it a lot longer than that....But....Remember the six year old?  She has never once wavered!

Thank you for putting up with us for so long.  I remember when I started, my whole object was to make a record of everything that I was doing in miniature.  I never once dreamed that anyone else would be interested in what I was doing... Then one day, several months after I started, I noticed that I had "followers".  I had no idea what that was at the time.  I had to go investigate on blogger to see what was happening... There are now 1235 crazy people following me around... Actually, I think that most of them are Tessie and Zar followers, but that's fine.  They like to be followed too....Not to mention Lucille....Spike's official fan club president.

OK on to the bloggy part...  I did two more sides to the stonework on the cottage this morning.

Granted, they aren't really much in the way of walls, but they are finished.

All the while, Tessie and Zar sat, placidly eating breakfast.

I am now thinking of doing the inside of the upstairs in stone work also.  It would be like the person that built it was too lazy to do inside finishing upstairs, where it couldn't be seen...No comments please!  I am NOT lazy!  I may or may not do that.  The upstairs is still a big question mark.  I have too many ideas floating around in my head.  Maybe I should have started a larger house....NO....I am not going to start another one. I like the one I'm working on.  This one is fun!

Here's is all that I have left to do of the stonework...Just the front...The largest area of the four sides.

We shall see if I can stretch out what is left of the Model Air, or if I will have to go get more...I will definitely have to do that, if I do any interior walls with rock work...

I still have to cut off the edges that stick out over the roof of the balcony and the bottom.  Greenleaf  didn't make this easy, but they probably didn't think that some crazy six year old would want parapets on the bays.

Anyway, day #1 of the seventh year is underway....I wonder if that means that the six year old is starting to grow up?  I sincerely hope not.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Happy Anniversary, Casey!! Thank you so very much for all the wonderful ideas, tips, inspiration and fun! You've made my foray into minis so much less scary. I wish you many, many more years to come!

  2. Hi Casey. Congratulations on making it to seven years of every day of blogging! That's quite an accomplishment. I have followed every day since I discovered you.

  3. Congratulations! Thank you for providing inspiration, instruction, and smiles! May you have many many more blog-iversaries!

  4. Congratulations Casey! No, I don't think the six year old will ever grow up....and I don't think we want you to! Have a wonderful seventh year in Blogland!

  5. Just a BIG THANK YOU!! I love coming over to your blog and reading here and there! :) Wishing you all the best and many more years of minibuilding !

  6. Congrats indeed! It's incredible to have done it every day! Last month I decided to start from the very beginning, so far I have read 3 years of entries and am upto Thursday 23rd June 2011! I read about a month a night instead of a book, it's great! My partner however thinks its annoying when he's falling asleep and I laugh out loud! I'll let you know when I'm caught upto the present day! Congrats again, and thank you for your help and hilarious antics xxx

  7. Happy NewYear and may there be many more! You (the six year old) and all your cohorts always bring a smile. Thanks for sharing so much.

  8. Congratulations, Casey, on your blog anniversary. You were one of the first ones who awakened me to the possibilities of miniatures!

  9. Wow, seven years of sharing your talent and knowledge and brightening lives with your wit! Like Freya I'm working my way through all of your postings and enjoying every bit of it. Merci mille fois, Madame!

  10. Mary, this is only the first day of year seven. Three hundred sixty four yet to go.....

  11. Yeah, celebrate the anniversary, but never grow up. The six year old is my favorite!

  12. I honestly cannot remember when I started following you, but it is always a joy to read about your (and Tessie's) adventures.

    Happy bloggiversary, and my you celebrate many, many more with us!

  13. Fabulous, congratulations on seven years of non-stop blogging! I have read almost everyone of your posts. Therefore, I was puzzled when you were writing about the "Bloomie rooms" recently. It turns out, I missed your beautiful Bloomindale room last fall when I had to stop blogging for a time for personal reasons. That room is incredible, please, please can we have some more photos of it? I also ordered the Bloomindale Rooms books from Amazon, (a good used copy was on sale for $3). I am sure I will get some great ideas from it.

    The thing that sets your blog off from others is you explain and show how to make everything- clothes, furniture, linen, curtains, houses, even little people. And you produce outstanding miniatures without spending a lot of money. In this economy, few people can afford to spend hundreds of dollars on a few pieces of miniature furniture. You have shown us how to build virtually anything from scratch. Please, please continue to blog for many years to come. And yes, I also truly enjoy reading about all the little people who boss you around every day.

    Cheers, Neen

  14. Congratulations Casey. May the 6 year old always be there! I can't believe you have blogged every day for six years. I struggle to blog once a week, although I am getting better. I look forward to following your 7th year of blogging.

  15. Congratulations and happy anniversary! Your blog is on my start-up list of websites every morning when I switch on my laptop and is the first page I read. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us!

  16. Congratulations and thank you, for sharing your experience in such a delightful way. You are an inspiration to us all.
    "… But now I am six, I’m as clever as clever, So I think I’ll be six for ever and ever."
    ~ AA Milne
    You'll have to write the verse for seven.

  17. Oow! Can't believe I missed that! Congratulations! There are few things for certain in Life but one thing I can always count on is your daily post.
    Thank you for sharing your wisdom, experience and talent!
