Saturday, January 18, 2014

Daisy Eulalia's Cottage

That was my grandmother's name, on my father's side.  She lived in a large(to me) brick house and her back yard was one big garden.  She could feed the whole neighborhood and can stuff for winter besides.  She did that until she was well into her nineties.

So, what better name for a gardener's cottage?  Besides, I always liked the name.  I tried to get Walter to name April that, when she was born... Didn't happen. So I will name the cottage that, instead.

Yes, the weaver's workshop is napping on top of one of the bookshelves.  Shhhhh...Don't wake it up.

I cleaned out the shelf in the corner...Somewhat.  I was looking for a few things for Daisy's cottage. 

I found a ten gallon aquarium that I had completely forgotten about.  I taught a class for a room box in them at one time....20 years ago.  Hmmmm.  The one that I did as a sample went to a NAME convention and went to a new owner in one of their auctions.  I remember buying this one and thinking that I would do another kitchen...OK...There it is.  Nope.  I am not going to do a kitchen!

Tessie is under the impression that the cottage is for her....She will cool off soon.  She hates gardening.  She says it's "playing in the dirt".  And she calls it "Icky!!!".

All I have to do is put a shovel and a bag of potting soil on the edge of the table and I won't even need one of her "Keep Out!" signs.

I spent last evening digging through books for ideas.  I found the French door in my wood drawer.  I think that it has to have a place in this project.

This morning, I had to go into town and pick up a few things.  I stopped for breakfast at Brawley's and sketched while waiting...They are used to me doing strange things while waiting for the food. I have been going there for many years.  They just take my doodling in stride.

I am not going to do much spreading out on this build, but I may go higher.  I am thinking of putting a tower where the two corners meet and maybe a terrace on the porch roof...

This grandma is a bit more eccentric than my grandma was.  I'm not sure of the time period yet, but I am leaning towards the early 20th century.

This Daisy may be a bit more Steampunk than my real grandmother was.  Although my real grandma was proud that she had the Wright brothers as house guests, for a few days, not long after she got married... Maybe she was a bit Steampunkian(Is that a word?) and I didn't know it! 

Back to the drawing board now.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Hi Casey. Daisy's cottage sounds very interesting.

  2. Daisy Eulalia's Cottage sounds like a fun project. I am liking the sound of the resident. I love eccentricity. I look forward to watching progress.

  3. I also love eccentricity! I love the name you picked! It looks like a fascinating project!

  4. This is going to be a great project. Looking forward to watching it develop.

  5. My grandmother's name was Daisy Ruth and her momma was just Daisy. I love that name! I even named one of my dolls Daisy. Excellent choice for the name. I'm looking forward to seeing it come to life as always!

  6. superbe dessin zentangle que la cage à oiseaux
