Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Sidetrip

About 20 years ago I made a trade with a friend. I had a Georgian style dollhouse shell that I didn't like and she had a Greenleaf Harrison that she hated. We were both happy with the trade.

The Harrison was a raw wood model from a craft store. It was put together with hot glue. This is never a good thing! I had to take that house apart piece by piece and reglue the whole thing. It was a real job. At the time I didn't know that a hair dryer or a heat gun would loosen the glue.

I changed it from the original half timber style to a Victorian. I added a two story addition to one side. I moved walls. I completely changed the look of it. It was never completely finished.

I loved the house but as usual it was one of those things that got attention for a while and then I got distracted and moved to something else. I would come back every few months and work on it a while.

When we moved I got rid of it. I was always sorry.

Then a couple of months ago I found out about Hobby Builders Supply's once a year 1/2 price sale. You guessed it. I got the Harrison for 60.00! It is on it's way now.

This is what the kit is supposed to turn out like.

It's not going to happen. I have plans to make it like the other one I did only improved.

Notice that this house has a chimney that you can barely see in the photo on the left hand side. Interesting. This is on the side that has two bay windows on the floors beneath the chimney........What's wrong with this picture? I don't know who designed this one but I think that his logic was a little faulty...or perhaps he had a little to much to drink for lunch that day. Hmmmm..... Let's see. Where can we stick the chimney?

This is the inside view. You can clearly see the chimney and the bays.When I did the remodel on the other one, I don't think that I even noticed this.

I guess that I was too busy planning what I was going to do. I bumped out that side about 8". I did it with foam core.

I didn't use the bays on the side that time. This time I am going for a larger kitchen and I am using the bay.

As I remember, the other one didn't have the half timbers on it so it was easy to turn into a Victorian.

I love the fact that there is a kind of hidden room. On the top floor to the right you see a blank wall facing the open back. There is a panel in the roof that opens. That is the only way that you can really get a good view of the room. It is situated where the french doors and the balcony is on the front of the house. I planned to give the maid that room. Nice an cozy next to the chimney.

That's the part I forgot to tell you. I did put the chimney in that location and had a fireplace in the dining room and a bedroom above. It worked.

The lady of the house will be pleased that it is finally going to be built. Now she will have someplace to put her bed. She is not however, pleased that her husband dragged the edge of his new billiard table that he had hand carved into the photo to show it off too.
I have to go referee an argument now.
After the Mystery House is done I will start blogging about this one.
See you tomorrow.

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