Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Today's a Total Loss

It's a loss as far as minis. I got a lot of big stuff done. Not a lot of little.

Someone on the Greenleaf forum was saying that she was almost finished with her Fairfield. That made me feel really guilty. I bought a kit for the 1/2" Fairfield when they first arrived on the scene.

I decided that I should go see how much it would take to finish. Here it is in all its glory.

As you can see from the photo, it is another product of my 6 year old's attention span. The mess you see surrounding it is all of the trim and furniture that I have collected to go with it. Well that's most of it anyway. I found another box in the garage.
I thought maybe if I turned it around it would look more promising........Not really.
I did get all of the trim and furniture sorted out and put into separate baskets.
I am thinking that I will have to start over on some of the inside wall and floor coverings. They are all dusty and very tired looking.
I found a lot of people. Some I made and some were from Pic and Save. Does that tell you how old the house is? The ones from Pic and Save were actually people from the movie "Annie". That was a while ago!
I think that, what with all of the people, I will have to have some kind of party going on in the house. I am not usually one for putting people in my houses. Once in a while I make an exception. This may be one of those times.
I did put together the tower roof. That's my mini-ing for the day.
I did manage to finish putting up curtains in my real living room. That was not nearly as satisfying as putting together the tower roof.
Stay tuned for further developments.........

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