Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Did It!

I finished the bricking yesterday afternoon. Yes.....It took me way longer than I thought it would. Here's proof that it now goes all the way to the bottom of the wall. I still have to do the part with the Prismacolor pencils. I will do that today.

Last night I did 100 skeins of knitting yarn. You can see some loose ones at the bottom. I put them in the shelves where they will eventually go. I still have to repaint the shelves. I am not sure what color I am going with yet. I need to pick out wallpaper or paint for the inside walls. That, in turn, has to co-ordinate with the outside trim.
This could get complicated.
In case you are wondering how I did the 100 skeins of yarn, this is what it looked like before I started.
This is a pile of very expensive Medici crewel wool......I got the whole mess at a craft/garage sale for a dollar. There's probably at least 50.00 worth there. Don't you just love garage sales?
Anyway, back to the subject at hand. I made fast work of the winding by using one of the little tags that was attached to the yarn. It was an inch wide so I simply wrapped the yarn around it 30 times and then slipped it off and kept winding the same thread around the middle of the skein and tucked it in. If I were doing it where the sides would show I would make labels. These won't, unless I put a few on the counter. Then I will have to.
If you look to the left of the yarn shelf in the original Rusty Needle you will see balls of crochet thread. That's next for the inside work. There is a trick to those. I wind them on a plastic drinking straw. I start by gluing one end and doing a figure 8 wrap around the straw. When i finish wrapping I glue the other end. The trick is, if I want three in a stack on the shelf, I wrap 3 sections of thread very close together. Then I just cut that section off of the straw. It appears to be 3 separate balls of thread. It is much easier than wrapping them individually, cutting them and then trying to stack them. It works like a charm and you have a "handle" to hold on to while you are wrapping. Hopefully, tomorrow I will have photos of that.
Hang in there. Soon I will be putting together the inside of the shop. Then it will be more fun.
I have to get to work now. Good day to you.

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