Sunday, March 9, 2008


What I am doing today is not really fun. It is satisfying tho. I am removing the shingles from the Mystery House. A few were damaged and needed replacing. I decided to redo the whole thing. I am using stronger wood than the last shingles. They will be nicer in the long run.

I know that I have mentioned that I hate shingling before. Unfortunately, it has to be done.

This is not entertaining for the masses. I guess I should go into my stash and get something that will keep you coming back.

How about this?

This is one of the series of rooms that I am doing in 1/4" scale inside 1" scale trunks. This is the bath. I built the trunk from bass wood. This particular one is covered on the outside with Penelope needlepoint canvas and looks like wicker. The chair is one of my own designs. The little table beside it is simply a small piece of # 24 needlepoint canvas cut on the diagonal and rolled around a dowel. The rug is another one of those that I printed on muslin from a real rug website. The window and the fretwork etc. are all components from the model train store. The blind over the window was a thrift shop find. It was a place mat that is made of hair thin strips of bamboo. I wish I could find more. It is perfect for bamboo shade in 1/4" scale.

OK. I am cheating today and making this one short. Back to tearing off shingles.

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