I decided that it would look better with cherry wood exterior, like the counter.
Back to the drawing board.
I couldn't find another used toilet roll, but I had a paper towel roll....I found out that they aren't nearly as strong.
In order to hold the veneer to this, I had to use hair clips, surrounded with a plastic clamp.It worked, but just barely.
I waited to put the stainless steel inside until after it was dry, because if I put it in first, I would have to contend with gluing wood and stainless steel...Not fun.
The second photo looks pretty crude, but it will be covered with edges, doors and other stuff. You can see a bit of the black marble counter top. I am pleased with that. It looks like the counter in my real kitchen....Mine is really Formica that looks like marble.
I will take a better photo of the gadget on top of the fridge when I am finished. I had to do some more gluing and decided to work with painter's tape this time. It seems to be working well. The frame that you see lying next to it is just bass wood. The finished door will be cherry as well or maybe I could marbleize that too...
I found some pieces to make modern sink fixtures. Now all I have to do is find the copper wire for the spigot. By the way, How do you like the modern round sink? I just happened to have a white Tupperware key chain that was a lidded bowl. It was just the right size. Zar isn't going to be doing a lot of cooking and, knowing him, very little cleaning, so it will do.
See the round clockwork piece by Tessie's elbow? That's where the cook top will be. No oven. Zar regularly raids the cupcake shop, so no need for an oven.
I am going back to work in the hovel that we call a family room now. Maybe I will do some straightening. It would be nice to be able to find the parts that I am looking for without crawling around on the floor.
See you tomorrow.
Que buen trabajo haces, todo te quedó genial!!! Besos desde Argentina!!!! ;)
Love the sink and counter top. Great job with the faucets too!
The entire counter cabinet is a work of art. :D
Kathi, I haven't really done the faucets yet. I am just finding all of the parts that I need. I hid a box of findings somewhere. Have to hunt them up...
Forget about Zar and Tessie fighting...I'm thinking of moving in! I love this kitchen set up!
Will the fridge have a door feature for ice?
Love the round sink, and the gear cooktop is an awesome idea.
I agree with Kathi that the entire counter cabinet is a work of art. And, I would never in a million years have thought of building a circular refrigerator. So unique!
Minka, trust me, you wouldn't want to live with these two, even for a fancy kitchen!LOL
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