I have had a couple of coat rack kind of thingies to put on the wall for ages.
I put all of the #11 seed bead hanks on the bottom rack and the #14 hanks on the top one. I even had a couple of hooks left over for my level and my metal yardstick.
You can't see them too well, but I found some of the fancy scrolled brass ornament hangers that I had left over from Christmas and hung the beads on those. The three little bags on the top hangers are bead knitted amulet bags that I knitted a few years ago just to see if I could do it. I could. So much for that....
The large bag on the bottom is one with which I won a 75.00 gift certificate from one of the local bead shops here in town. It is suede and sewn to one of the antique purse frames that I collect. See there is a use for them. Granted most of them just hang on the wall sans purse, but sometimes I get around to adding one to a frame. That frame is unusual in that it has 4 hinges on the frame that open into a diamond shape instead of the usual flip open kind.
Anyway, I have a three foot section of wall that looks pretty nice now. We won't discuss the box of #14 beads at the left. I can't help it if everyone doesn't package their beads the same way. I really, really need all of the pretty colors in the tubes as well as the ones hanging on the rack. Honest, I do!
The little thingy that I am holding the top of the box up with whilst I take the photo is one of the self same bead tubes. See.....they are even recyclable! Yup, I covered it with some of the beads in the box. Here's a close up.
I know. Technically these aren't minis. I do use the # 14s to make mini beaded bags. I could probably make a thousand beaded bags with what I have and still have enough left over to do 467 more. I just want to make sure that I don't run out in the middle of the 466th one.
It is a reprint of a book put out in France in 1877. It is full color prints of walls and ceilings. The colors are wonderful. There are all kinds of designs for paneling. I think that a few of them could even be copied and used in miniature. I won't tell that you did it, if you do. The author is Cesar Daly if you want to search for it.
Now I have to go finish the last part of Carolyn's chair. So much for room cleaning! I'm over the urge.
See you tomorrow.
Nikki made me feel guilty as well for about 5 minutes and then I got distracted.. LOL
Lol at Debbie.
Casey, i have abot 100 plus other jobs around the house unfinished, but not going to feel guilty.
Didnt i tell you i never actually finish anything i set out to do. By the time i get my new desk my work room will probably be a tip again.
I'm off to make a tree. Never made one before so i shall see how it turns out. Its going in a large pot with a face on that i made today.
But, i will probably never finish it and so in the unfinished box it will go.
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