Sunday, July 6, 2014

"Step Away From the Cottage!!!"

That was Tessie this morning... Holding a large skewer and threatening to poke me with it.

After yesterday's bathroom debacle, she decided that I needed a vacation from it for a day or two...

I didn't argue. 

I went and started looking for my small, scratch built, quarter inch cottage... It was a good idea at the time...

When I cleaned up the workroom, I put it somewhere for safekeeping...  I can't find it!  I told you that cleaning was a bad thing!

I did have this one hanging on the wall, behind the wood.  It's just a shelf unit, but it qualifies as a project that is started, but not finished.

Since it isn't anything special, I am just furnishing it with the furniture that I already have.  I'm not making more just for it.

At least, if I finish it, I won't just have an empty shelf hanging on the wall.

And now for something completely different, as Monte Python would say...

I found this at Walmart this morning.  For those of you that like chalk paint on big furniture, I think this will be of interest.

It is a Plaid product, under the folk art brand.  It is supposed to turn any paint into a chalk finish.  I can't testify to how well it works yet.  I didn't even take it out of the package.  I will let you know how it works in a day or two.

Right now, I need to go finish the wall house.  It should be done tomorrow.

See you then.


  1. veo que tu tambien tienes distintos proyectos a medio terminar , a mi me pasa igual , a ver si esta vez lo terminas , si Tessie te deja



  2. I'm looking forward to checking out your finished 'wall shelf' cottage!!!
    Thanks for the info about that product that turns paint into chalk paint too!
